Nancefield's Dr Paul Mudau is an inspiration to many

News: 27 July 2024 By

At the tender age of 33, Paul Mudau has proven beyond doubt to the youth of South Africa that any dream can be realised through hard work, dedication, and consistency. Mudau, from Musina Nancefield, received his PhD in Law from Wits University during a graduation ceremony held on Monday (8 July).

News Articles

Fed-up Elim residents protest against incomplete D4 road project

News: 27 July 2024 By Thembi Siaga

Scores of angry residents from Elim and the surrounding areas engaged in protest action on Monday, 22 July, to complain about the delay in completing the D4 road connecting the N1 to Elim and passing through Malamulele to Vuwani. Protesters blocked intersections with burning tyres and tree branches, demanding the road’s immediate completion.

Opwinding oor opgrawings in noorde van die Krugerwildtuin

News: 27 July 2024 By Pétria de Vaal

Die naam “Crooks Corner” vertel reeds ‘n storie. En stories was daar gewis - verál in die vroeë twintigste eeu. Hier, in die verre noord-oostelike deel van die Krugerwildtuin, het ‘n klompie bedrywighede plaasgevind. Lesers sal onthou dat die Zoutpansberger gedurende Maart 2016 oor Bvekenya Barnard berig het – die berugte olifantjagter van daardie omgewing.

Ben se skielike dood kom as groot skok

News: 26 July 2024 By Andries van Zyl

Inwoners van Louis Trichardt en omstreke het Saterdagaand, 20 Julie, met groot skok verneem van die skielike dood van die 73-jarige Ben Groenewald. Ben was ‘n baie bekende gesig op die dorp, asook die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub, waar hy kort ná die dag se spel Saterdag in die klubhuis inmekaar gesak en gesterf het, vermoedelik vanweë ‘n hartaanval.

Rotariërs maak bittersoet laaste skenking aan Bergcare

News: 26 July 2024 By Andries van Zyl

Bergcare op Louis Trichardt het Dinsdag, 23 Julie, sekerlik hulle grootste enkele skenking ontvang ten bedrae van R176,000 van die Rotariërs van Louis Trichardt. Die oomblik was egter bittersoet, aangesien dit ook die laaste amptelike aksie van dié klub was wat ná dese nie meer bestaan nie.

Raliphada finally gets appointed as CFO of Makhado

News: 26 July 2024 By Kaizer Nengovhela

The infighting between two factions within the ANC in Vhembe seems to be getting more intense, and the power balance may be shifting, judging by what happened during the Makhado Municipality’s Council meeting on Monday. Several ANC councillors ignored the ANC Vhembe Region’s instruction to boycott the meeting and went ahead to permanently appoint Godfrey Raliphada as Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

VBS minority shareholders want money and bank

News: 26 July 2024 By Elmon Tshikhudo

The group calling themselves the VBS Minority Shareholders held a press briefing on Tuesday at the Graceland Hotel in Thohoyandou, during which they made a plea for the money stolen from depositors to be paid back. They also want the bank to be resuscitated with the help of a funder they have secured.

RAL says work did not stop on busy R522 road

News: 26 July 2024 By Andries van Zyl

The Road Agency Limpopo (RAL), the responsible authority for the busy R522 road between Louis Trichardt and Vivo, has come under severe criticism over the past few months for the snail's pace at which preventative maintenance is taking place. In mid-April this year, large parts of the road’s surface were completely removed, turning sections into a deadly dirt-road deathtrap.

Runaway (gravy) train in Musina?

News: 26 July 2024 By Anton van Zyl

A meeting to discuss the overpayment of officials at the Musina Municipality could not proceed on Tuesday as there was no quorum. It is believed that the meeting was boycotted by a certain faction within the ANC that is protecting, among others, the municipal manager.

TLU SA neem steeds bestek van koue- en brandskade

News: 25 July 2024

Ná die verwoestende swartryp sowat drie weke gelde en ewe verwoestende brande net daarna het ‘n vergadering plaasgevind tussen TLU SA Noord/Limpopo en die pas-aangestelde hoof van die provinsiale rampbestuursentrum in die provinsie, dr. Takie Makananisa. Die vergadering het op 17 Julie plaasgevind.

Forget about petty leadership squabbles and focus on development

News: 25 July 2024 By Elmon Tshikhudo

At a time when traditional-leadership squabbles have become the order of the day, one of the most senior and prominent traditional leaders in Limpopo, Thovhele Nkhaneni Ramovha, has urged the Vandalamo/Tshishonge clan to unite and work towards development in their areas.

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