Min Richard Baloyi congratulates King Toni Mphephu (right). Also there to witness the occasion are, from left, Makhado Mayor David Mutavhatsindi, Thulamela Mayor Grace Mahosi and Vhembe Mayor Tshitereke Matibe.

King Toni extends an olive branch

News - Date: 21 September 2012


King Toni Mphephu said the recent victory by the Ramabulana Royal House in the Pretoria High Court was not his personal glory, but a victory for all the Vhavenda chiefs and it augured the beginning of good things in the history of the Vhavenda kinship.

He extended an olive branch to all the other chiefs and urged them to join forces and to work towards the development of the Vhavenda people.

Mphephu, who was declared the rightful heir to the Vhavenda throne after a protracted court battle, was speaking during a ceremony to hand him a certificate officially declaring him as king of the Vhavenda. The ceremony was held in the old parliamentary buildings and was officiated over by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Mr Richard Baloyi.

In handing over the certificate, Baloyi said the certificate meant that the government had recognised the status of Mphephu. He said that the government was committed to resolving all issues that involved traditional leadership.

Representing the Limpopo House of Traditional Leaders, Kgoshi Malesela Dikgale said it was an exciting moment for all traditional leaders in the province. "When things affecting traditional leadership are not going right, it affects the whole province. We are happy that it has come to pass and a certificate has finally been issued.”

King Mphephu said the road had been tough and that he is glad that it had come to pass. He said the time of hauling each other before the courts had come and gone and it was up to the chiefs to stand up and serve their people.

“The victory has unified all of us to speak with one voice and to march forward as a unit,” he added. Mphephu cut his speech short by inviting all to come and hear more, during what he termed the mother of all celebrations, to be held at the royal palace on Saturday (tomorrow).

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In a jubilant mood, King Toni Mphephu (with hands stretched out) is joined by other dignitaries on the dance floor. They were dancing to music of an old song, which says Mahosi a Venda ndi Ramabulana. From left is the chairperson of the Limpopo House of Traditional Leaders, Kgoshi Malesela Dikgale, Min Richard Baloyi (partly obscured), Vhembe Mayor Tshitereke Matibe and Premier Cassel Mathale.



Elmon Tshikhudo

Elmon Tshikhudo started off as a photographer. He developed an interest in writing and started submitting articles to local as well as national publications. He became part of the Limpopo Mirror family in 2005 and was a permanent part of the news team until 2019. He currently writes on a freelance basis, covering human rights issues, court news and entertainment.
