Granny Sarah Nembidzane-Khorommbi, busy with her bead work in her garage at her home in Hamagidi Unit E. Photo: Silas Nduvheni.

Granny Khorommbi keeps on going

News in brief - Date: 21 April 2024


At the age of 62, Granny Sarah Nembidzane-Khorommbi of Hamagidi Unit near Sibasa cannot sit at home being idle. She keeps herself busy doing beadwork and knitting Tshivenda traditional clothes such as minwenda, misisi, and men’s T-shirts. Her handiwork not only keeps her busy but also provides an income that helps her feed the family.

Granny Nembidzane-Khorommbi said she had learnt beadwork and knitting from one of her relatives. “I was a schoolgirl at Mulenga Secondary in Hamatsa village in the Nzhelele area, where I was rated as one of the best learners in beadwork and knitting. I remember that handwork was one of the subjects, and I used to excel,” said Nembidzane-Khorommbi. After finishing school, the hobby became a way of earning an income.

Nembidzane-Khorommbi said she sold the traditional clothes to villagers in Hamagidi Unit E and surrounding communities, such as Mbaleni, Miluwani, and Mbilwi village. She works from her own garage, which means she does not have to pay any rent.

Apart from making clothes, she is also one of the best small-scale farmers in the region, producing green beans, peppers, onions, and tomatoes on her farm situated in Mbidzane village near Maangani.

“I am now able to supply my vegetables to various communities, including Hamagidi and some small markets in Sibasa. This is good because I no longer rely on anyone else to get food for me and my family,” Nembidzane-Khorommbi said.


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Silas Nduvheni
